Pharma creative &
Digital solution

Rising to the challenge through effective implementation and innovation.

How does Vakils support pharmaceutical companies with their new product launches?


An international pharmaceutical company requested us to support them with new product labelling services. New product launch services are very important to all pharmaceutical companies for on time approval of products from regulatory authorities.

In order to ensure success, we supported our client round the clock as an artwork partner. Vakils created the internal process flow and control mechanism for better communication and coordination between the teams in order to receive the required approvals from regulatory authorities.


Inspect new product launch service details: Vakils analysed the new product labelling updates and complexity (pre-designing review). With the help of pharmaceutical labelling design experts, we ensured that we understood all the customer requirements for the artwork labelling changes and capacity details.

Customer communication tracking: Customer updates of ad-hoc requests from regulatory authorities are very important to update the artworks immediately to get on-time approvals. To make this process smooth and efficient, we implemented group emails/notification tools for easy tracking and executing of clients’ inputs.

Internal workflow approval tracking: We used an internal workflow management system at different levels (design and quality check) to track the artwork labelling updates as per customer requirements.

launch service


Vakils helped the customer track changes at all levels, resulting in perfect product launches in the market. By leveraging the latest technologies and partnering with our clients to consistently meet if not exceed expectations, we were able to deliver value via seamless, reliable processes with a focus on flawless execution.

100% Quality
launch service
On-Time Delivery
launch service
100% Customer Satisfaction
launch service

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